Paddlesport Touring Leader

The British Canoeing Paddlesport Touring Leader has the ability to lead others on a successful journey in both an inland open water environment and on slow moving water, slow-moving rivers up to and including grade 1, and which may include the occasional short rapid of grade 2 and simple safe weirs. The Paddlesport Touring Leader focus is on the journey, and does not include playing on short rapids or weirs.

Duration: Assessments are run over two days. Training courses are run over 1 day modules

Cost - Assessment: £160 inclusive of certification fees.

Cost - Training: £80 per day as part of a group or £160 per day of 1:1 bespoke training.

Other Options: Want to get into Coaching? Have you considered the Coach Award or Paddlesport Instructor Award?

Pre-requisites - Training:

There are no pre-requisites for training.

Pre-requisites - Assessment:
To proceed to assessment you are required to:

  • Be a British Canoeing Member and registered for the assessment holding a stamped LR Form
  • Appropriate Safeguarding Training
  • Hold an 16 hour First Aid Certificate

Activity Dates, Availability and Booking:
Click on the activity dates below for more details, availability and details of how to book your place. Additional activities are run by arrangement. Please contact us for more information or to arrange an additional date.

There are no activities in the selected category. Please contact us on for additional dates.