COVID-19 Update 4th November, 2020
Due to the recent Government announcement regarding the closure of non-essential business during Lock Down 2.0, and the enforcement of social distancing, we have taken the responsible decision to close the centre for all activities and courses for the foreseeable future, for the safety of the public and our staff. This includes all coach led activities as well as hire, launch and fishing.
We will be back with our full range of activities in the future, we just don't know when yet! Once we know more on when these restrictions will be relaxed/removed and it's safe for us to operate and re-open we shall let you all know.
If you have an existing or new booking that you'd like to discuss please do email us on to discuss the options available to you. Please do not call us as the telephones will not be monitored during the close down period
We would like say a massive thank you to all of our customers and staff for your support this year. Keep safe!
The TWS Team