Gift Vouchers

Struggling to find that perfect gift? Then why not treat them to a Gift Voucher from Tittesworth Water Sports and Activity Centre. The vouchers come in any denomination to suit your budget and can be put towards any of our activities or courses.
From British Canoeing courses to starter sessions in Canoeing, Kayaking, Paddleboarding and Axe Throwing the options and possible adventures are endless!
How to Purchase Vouchers: Simply enter your details into the form below. Once you submit your details you will be transferred to our secure card payment service to complete your purchase.
Once your purchase is complete you will receive your gift voucher by email as a PDF attachment. You can then either forward the voucher by email or print it out at home. Vouchers can be redeemed on our website for any advertised activities and are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.